Archive for December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Posted: December 31, 2009 in Fitness

Happy New Year!  This really feels like a new beginning…  Hit to Fit launches in 4 days and Capital City Boxing will be back in full swing at the same time.  From both ends it’s going to be an incredible year.  The boxers at the gym are in fine form, the Golden Gloves will be in Victoria this year (first time since 1999) and we will keep on building community in the way that we do.

I give thanks to all (ALL the clients, ALL the boxers, ALL the friends, ALL the family, ALL the coaches!) who have supported the dream of giving people the opportunity to practice the sport of boxing in a supportive and community-spirited environment.

Hit to Fit is about fitness, no doubt, but as a boxer myself, I hope that it will continue to uphold the tradition of boxing in some way.  We have a saying at our gym:  whether you are going toe-toe in the ring, or hitting the bag, the real match is between who you think you are, who you really are, and who you want to be.  I hope that our gym continues in all its carnations to support all it’s boxers, whether fitness or competitive, to realize that the path to who you want to be starts with who you are right now.  As coaches it is our goal to help you to bridge that gap.

Bring on 2010! (and weren’t we promised jet packs?)
